For Institutions

When inventing the AROMALUX shower adapter and aroma oil glass phials, our target market were individuals. However, already before introducing the product to the aromatherapy market, some hotels and spa institutions became interested and took part in the product development process. Moreover, they helped to test the product by offering it to their guests. It became clear that the use of the product could be extremely wide-spread. A pleasant, relaxing and refreshing aroma shower provides pleasure for anyone, anytime. Setting up the AROMALUX shower adapter and the usage of aroma oils are recommended for several institutions:

    • For hotels: as a welcome gift or service
    • Beauty salons, private clinics: as skin care and to pleasure clients
    • Sport centres: for clients after a tiring workout
    • Sports clubs who find their sports players’ health important


But we recommend it simply for companies too that want to improve the mood of employees, and increase their commitment to the community.


Corporate Gifts

At the end of the year or at other significant occasions figuring out a corporate gift can cause some headache to the owners and to the marketing specialists. Corporations strive to give extraordinary, exceptional gifts to their business partners and employees, that is preferably memorable and not a commonplace. The AROMALUX adapter and design package meet these expectations, as it is exceptional, special and it can be easily set up in any shower sets.

Aromalux can be seen as an excellent gift for family members and friends as well.